Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, gain lean muscle or you are happy as you are but would like a healthier lifestyle, RCotterill PT is the right choice for you. Everyone wants to feel comfortable in their own skin, therefore, even if you are working a busy schedule, finding it hard to meet your fitness goals or would like to get fit, RCotterill PT gives you the flexibility to reach your full potential with a variety of different online and individual personal training plans.


If your busy professional life pushed your physical fitness to the backseat, there is a solution. The RCotterill PT online plans will help you achieve your desired body image in no time.​


We don't only focus on the image in the mirror, but also how you feel in your skin. Achieving milestones with your body will transfer into your daily life as increased confidence.


The ultimate goal is for you to enjoy your life to the fullest, engage in social situations confidently and take up events you always wanted without limitations of your body.

Online & Individual Personal

Throughout my fitness journey, I’ve helped hundreds of people to improve their relationship with food and their bodies. But more than that, they've extended their lives and put the spark back into their training. While variety is essential to keep you interested - too much variety might inhibit your progress. That's why, as a personal trainer in Fareham, I want to help you stick with a training programme long enough that you see real results. ​

When my clients start training, they see their time in the gym as something else to juggle. But they soon learn that the flexibility, nutritional coaching and support they receive has a positive knock-on effect into the rest of their lives. They're more productive at work, they're more present for their families and importantly, they start to like themselves again. ​

Claim Your Free Strategy Call!

Experience what I can do for you first hand. Get a free strategy call via phone or video chat, learn how to maximise your workouts and get advice specific to you and your fitness goals. If you choose to work with me, that's great. If not, that's cool too.

Discover Our Best Value Plans

My Mission

I love helping people stick with something that they not only get great results from but that they enjoy too. Nowadays, people know that their physical and mental health is worth investing in, recognising the benefits of outsourcing all the management of their health and fitness to a professional. I am 100% committed to helping you build better relationships with food and your own body, while building strength and confidence that will take not just your fitness, but your whole life to the next level.

What My Amazing Clients Say

"Rob is great, always there with help and advise which you can trust to talk to. I can now train at home saving time whilst being more efficient."

​Lucy Eagles

"During my plan with Rob, I exceeded even my own expectations by losing 13lb and dropping 2 dress sizes from a size 12 to a size 8!"

Beth Price

"Robs online coaching has helped me feel more comfortable within myself and given me the confidence to eat better foods and train with my goals in mind."

Alison Salkeld-Brown